2020 ARRL Field Day

Wow! What a fun and different Field Day for 2020. Myself and K8DSC operated out of my garage in Blanchester to at least get some fresh air and stay out of the rain. The bands were alive and people all over the world were operating from their homes instead of at their usual FD hangout. It provided a different atmosphere on the radio, there were a lot of 1D and 1E stations doing exactly what K8DSC and I were doing. Everyone on the air sounded genuinely happy to be there! How could you not enjoy yourself?
With CCARA not doing its usual joint Field Day due to COVID-19, we setup a Live Contest Results page to help us stay connected from our QTHs. What I found myself doing was engaging in was a little spirited competition with the others by refreshing that page as I racked up more QSOs. What place was I in (even though there were no places to be had)? It was neat, it was fun.
I look forward to getting together as a group for next year’s Field Day, but will certainly remember this one fondly and know that we can still meet the objective of Field Day, and that is resourcefulness and creativity.

-Andrew W9AMA