CCARA Year in review 2020
Although 2020 was a year filled with uncertainty and cancellations, the club did pretty well. We started the year strong with a new shack and many planned activities.

Winter Field Day
This was a great event and very fun. One part I really enjoyed was getting the shack ready for the event. Many volunteers added their knowledge and labor to get the facility ready and safe for the members. Mark (KD8DGH) turned up the heat with a propane heater that about ran us out of the shack. We had a little over 100 contacts including 2 in Alaska and 3 other countries. Andrew (W9AMA) and Dave (K8DEG) supplied everyone with a special badge for the event that was noticed by our host for the weekend.
Leap Into Digital
Taking advantage of the leap year, we had a “Leap Into Digital” event on Feb 29th. Contacts were made on FT8, DMR and a couple of other digital modes. We had a few visitors to learn more about the digital modes and even setup a couple of radios. Again custom badges were created by Andrew.
Clinton County Hamfest
We had big plans, it was going to be out first in a long time HamFest. Sara Lamb worked very hard getting deals on hotels and giveaways. Andrew created a great website for the event. Alas it was not to be as the human malware started growing in cases and concerns of members and possible attendees caused the cancellation. We are having one in 2021, I hope all of you can attend.
CCARA Tailgate
Although the HamFest was cancelled we decided to have a Tailgate event in September. The event was held outdoors close to the shack. We had two main concerns over having this event, that no one would attend or everyone would attend. Since this was the first Tailgate\HamFest of the year that we were aware of, we wanted to set a good example for something we could do that was safe and enjoyable for all. Attendance was study and the people who visited the vendors were ready to buy. The club greatly reduced the items that we had for sale and I hope all the vendors has the same experience. Thanks to Dave (KE8GII), Bill (WD8BHD), Mark (KD8DGH), Mike (WF8B) and many others for helping make the event great.
Weather Station
A Tempest Weather Station is permanently installed at the Shack. You can see the current weather on our website.
Although not a club function, many are involved in supporting NWS ILN office in Wilmington. This was a strange year as we could not get into the office, but rather had to perform our duties from home stations. NWSChat was a great tool to use during this period. Paul (WB8ZZR), Mark (KD8DGH) and Dave (K8DEG) along with others maned the stations and performed the duties as best as possible.
The Shack
After WFD we as a club wanted to keep the Shack at Caesar Creek Flea Market. Working with our hosts, we came to an agreement. Since that time, the Shack has been painted, patched, remodeled and insulated. We replaced the floor and the back wall and installed a desk along the back wall. Special thanks goes to Mark (KD8DGH) and Mike (WF8B) for their support and many in the club (too many to mention but greatly appreciated) for their time and sweat.

We have increased our FaceBook likes 30%+ this year. That is a big increase but we would still like to remind everyone that our main form of contact is our website at
2020 was a challenging year, but we did well. Our finances are in order and membership at this time is where I would expect it. I am looking forward to the time we can all meet again and be able to enjoy the friendships that come along with the hobby.
There are many more club members that I would like to thank for everything they do, it is a great group of hams.
Dave K8DEG
Also I would like to thank outgoing Vice President Dana KB8FOW and outgoing treasurer Terry Kerr for their many years of great service to the club.
I second the thanks to Dana and Terry!