CCARA is the Clinton County Amateur Radio Association. Formed over 50 years ago, it has been an active group for the advancement of amateur radio ever since. From Antique to Modern day Digital high speed communication, we experiment and learn. We have approximately 40-60 members from many places but mainly in Clinton County, Ohio. CCARA promotes experimentation, investigation, emergency communications, and emergency preparedness. Our group prides itself in helping out when asked with local emergency management agencies and other groups in the area. Our meetings are the first Thursday of the month held at 7:30 PM at the Foster J Boyd MD Regional Cancer Center at 31 Farquhar Ave, Wilmington, OH (Across the street from CMH Hospital).
CCARA is a 501(c)(3) public charity. Please see our Legal Disclosures.
Mailing Address:
PO Box 222
Martinsville, OH 45146-0222