Field Day 2023
Lee Kolodziej's Back Yard 1020 Farmers Rd, Wilmington, OH, United StatesSimilar to our setup last year, we will begin setting up at 12:00p on Friday. We also plan to run 100% on solar/battery this year, not just for the radios, but for all FD equipment.
Skywarn Recognition Day
National Weather Service 1901 State Route 134, Wilmington, OH, United StatesSKYWARN™ Recognition Day was developed in 1999 by the National Weather Service and the American Radio Relay League. It celebrates the contributions that SKYWARN™ volunteers make to the NWS mission, the protection of life and property. Amateur radio operators comprise a large percentage of the SKYWARN™ volunteers across the country. The Amateur radio operators also provide vital communication between the NWS and emergency management if normal communications become inoperative. All SKYWARN™ spotters provide critical weather information before, during and after adverse weather strikes. This includes reports of rain and snow, ice and wind, storms and tornadoes, flooding and fire. This is our 24 hours to recognize all of the SKYWARN™ spotters serving our nation! Skywarn operation from Wilmington NWS Office We will be monitoring 444.575 (tone-141.3) and 147.12 (123) throughout the event. We will also, of course, be working the Hf frequencies but do not have a fixed frequency. These may be difficult for our section nets to use due to being too close. We should have Vhf, Uhf, Ssb, Digital and maybe even some Cw available. Be sure to tell us you are a NWS/ILN section net operator, as we will not know most of your callsigns. QSL cards will be available for a sase to: WX8WIL 1901 South St. Rt. 134 Wilmington, OH. 45177 There is also a Participation Certificate. See,gov/chr/skywarnrecognition
Winter Field Day
National Weather Service 1901 State Route 134, Wilmington, OH, United StatesCCARA will be hosting a Winter Field Day in the Maintenace building at the NWS Office (Small Building just south of the office almost under the radar dish) January 28 and 29 24 hours starting Saturday 1900UTC 1400EST, Setup start about 10 Am.
Technician Class
Foster J Boyd Regional Cancer Center 31 Farquhar Ave, Wilmington, OH, United StatesAmateur (Ham) Radio Study Class — Come and learn the exciting world of Amateur Radio. Did you know that with an FCC Amateur Radio License you can talk to astronauts in the International Space Station (ISS) or use a satellite in orbit and a handheld radio to speak with someone here on Earth many states away? How about sending up a transmitter on helium balloon and tracking its beacon all around the world? Getting your Technician Class license gives you a license to learn, create, and build amazing projects, while also learning how technology you use everyday actually works. Please join the Clinton County Amateur Radio Association (CCARA) in this eight-week course on Sundays from March 3 to April 28 (no class on Easter weekend). Upon completion of this course, you will be prepared to test for, and pass your first Amateur Radio License. Please register in advance at
Laurel VEC Test Session
Foster J Boyd Regional Cancer Center 31 Farquhar Ave, Wilmington, OH, United StatesTest session for new hams looking to get licensed or current hams wanting to upgrade.
POTA Campout
Cowan Lake State Park - Pine Tree Group Camp Yankee Rd, Wilmington, OH, United StatesJoin us for an overnight Parks on the air, or POTA event at The Pine Tree Group Camp at Cowan Lake it is a primitive group "tent only" camp area with stone fire ring, charcoal grill, and picnic tables. Bring a dish to share. Located within walking distance to pit latrine and near the youth fishing pond, fishing pier, kayak launch, and Emerald Woods trailhead. There is no potable water available. Bring your own water chair and comfort items. Accommodates up to 50 people max. Take SR 350 to Yankee Road. Follow Yankee and go left at the fork. The parking lot is on the right.
Ham’s for Breakfast
Sams Meats and Deli 1209 W Locust St, #2057, Wilmington, OH, United StatesPlease join us for some good food and fun discussion.
Last Saturday of the Months Breakfast
Sams Meats and Deli 1209 W Locust St, #2057, Wilmington, OH, United StatesYour invited to a Saturday Breakfast gathering, good conversation and food. 8:30 am At Sams Meats: Deli 1209 W Locust St, Wilmington, OH 45177
Winter Field Day
An exciting annual event for amateur radio enthusiasts, taking place on the last full weekend of January. The Winter Field Day event aims to help participants improve their preparedness for disasters and enhance their operational abilities in adverse conditions. Amateur radio operators have the freedom to use frequencies on the HF, VHF, or UHF bands while employing voice, CW, and digital transmissions. The event designates specific objectives to encourage a diverse range of activities, including the use of non-commercial power sources, the deployment of multiple antennas, establishing satellite contacts, and more.
Educational Meeting
Foster J Boyd Regional Cancer Center 31 Farquhar Ave, Wilmington, OH, United StatesDiscussing how to move forward with classes/ teaching new hams.
Hangout/ Build
Foster J Boyd Regional Cancer Center 31 Farquhar Ave, Wilmington, OH, United StatesThis is just a monthly get together to hangout. Bring whatever project your are currently working on and be willing to show and tell. Just have a good time.
CCARA Monthly Meeting
Foster J Boyd Regional Cancer Center 31 Farquhar Ave, Wilmington, OH, United StatesMark your calendar for the next monthly meeting on Thursday March 6th at 7:30PM. And for those who would like a virtual option, we are now going to be providing a Teams meeting that you can join. We will share the Teams invite on Facebook as we get closer.